Wednesday, March 7, 2007


You already know that it's important to exercise and keep inshape. You've seen it on the news, been pummeled by it throughadvertisements, and have likely discussed it with your doctor. These days, finding the time and the energy to exercise is aworkout in itself. From nine to five, your day planner isjammed with meetings and deadlines. Evenings are taken up withfamily and home commitments. It's certainly not easy, but it isessential that you find time to work out, even a few times aweek. Aerobics are the perfect way to work out, when you justdon't have the time to work out. The popularity of aerobics exploded onto the scene in the1980's, when leggy beauties jumped and jiggled to top twentyhits. Along with this type of "dancercise" came the unfortunatemisconception that aerobics were geared exclusively to the buffand the bimbos. In reality, aerobics hold much more value foranyone seeking an effective workout. Aerobic exercise can below in intensity, yet long in duration. Walking, swimming, biking, jogging or taking part in anaerobics class are all great ways to get started. It'simportant that you begin your exercise regime with alow-intensity workout, and then increase the tempo throughoutthe following weeks. For instance, begin with a twenty-minutewalk or job in week one. The following week, try incorporatinga jog over some shallow hills to increase your fitness level.In the third week, increase the duration of your workout fromtwenty to thirty minutes, and go up to five times a week. Aerobics are ideal exercise options for people who wish to loseweight. Despite advances in modern surgical procedures,equipment and drugs, a healthy diet combined with regularphysical exercise is still the safest and most effective way todrop excess pounds and keep the weight off. Whether you aretrying to lose weight or maintaining your good shape, aerobicscan help you to realize your goal. Aerobic exercise is also extremely beneficial to yourcirculatory and respiratory systems. It increases thecirculation of oxygen in your body, allowing the heart to usethe oxygen more efficiently. The body's muscular system alsobenefits from aerobic routines. When you exercise, theincreased blood circulation and heart rate work together toenhance the muscles' ability to create energy. That's why ahealthy workout can actually leave you feeling more energized,even after an exhausting day at work. Exercise also benefitsyour body by helping it to clean away toxins. Increased bloodcirculation helps organs like the liver and kidneys toeliminate the body's natural waste products. Aerobics are alsogood for toning muscle and increasing lean body mass, relaxingtired muscles, reducing stress and aiding in sleep. There arealso important psychological benefits, including improved moodand reduced anxiety and depression. When you have decided to make the commitment to losing fat andcreating the body you want, aerobic exercise is a great placeto start. Begin with walking, cycling or swimming, or enroll inan aerobics class. Choose a qualified instructor who will showyou how to do the exercises, and help you to determine thedegree of intensity that's best suited to your personal fitnesslevel. Don't be shy about exercising in a group setting. You arewelcome to work out at your own pace and if you become tired,you can simply march in place until you have regained yourenergy. You have so many reasons to take on a healthy, activelifestyle. Aside from the obvious physical and psychologicalbenefits, being fit will help you to be prepared to meet any oflife's daily challenges. When your mind and body are healthy,you'll have the energy to meet deadlines, finished projects andsucceed. Aerobics can help you become a stronger person in everyway.About The Author: John Brown contributes to several web sites,including and


Anonymous said...

Good point. I agree.

Anonymous said...

Good post here.

Anonymous said...

good idea

Anonymous said...

True. I totally agree.